The Ethereal Crystals are very strong technique of healing through energies of crystals without having them physically present. You will be able to instantly place any Ethereal Crystal and Gemstone, wherever you feel the requirement.
The crystals that you will be attuned to are:
ETHEREAL CRYSTALS LEVEL 1-2-3: Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Pink Beryl (Morganite), Blue Lace Agate, Botswana Agate, Green Calcite, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Single Terminated Quartz Crystal, Emerald, Hematite, Red Jasper, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sodalite, Turquoise
ETHEREAL CRYSTALS LEVEL 4-5-6: Alexandrite, Amazonite, Azurite, Bloodstone, Gold Calcite, Fire Opal, Fluorite, Red Garnet, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Moldavite, Moonstone, Peridot, Pyrite, Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Black Tourmaline, Violet Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Double Terminated Clear Quartz Crystal
ETHEREAL CRYSTALS LEVEL 7-8-9: Charoit, Sugilith, Rhodochrosit, Pyritsun, Prasem (African Jade), Snowflake Obsidian, Apache Tears, Moqui Marbles, Boji Stones, Tektite, Chalcedon, Larimar (Atlantis-Stone), Labradorite, Kunzite, Cyanite, Apophyllite, Ruby-Zoisite, Tansanite
ETHEREAL CRYSTALS LEVEL 10-11-12: Abundance Crystal, Isis Crystal, Channelling Crystal, Warrior Crystal, Laser Crystal, Needle Crystal, Generator Crystal, Key Crystal, E.T. Crystal, Phantom Crystal, Crystal Cluster, Master Matrix Crystal, Dolphin Crystal, Record Keeper Crystal, Twin Flame Crystal, Time Link Crystal
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