The Magnified Healing is an intense vibrational healing system and one of the newest forms of healing modality available. It occurs through balancing the spiritual centres (the chakras) while directing the healing also to the mental and emotional body, the physical body as healing is directed to the endocrine system, lymphatic, metabolic, muscular systems, the central nervous system as well as the skeletal, respiratory and circulatory system.
Magnified Healing includes meditation for empowerment, alignment of spiritual centres, clearing of light channel, sensitizing and awakening the nervous system, healing the earth and karma, expansion of the threefold flame to build the Light Body and preparation for ascension. Specially prepared Magnified Healing essences are used at the time of initiation to orchestrate and seal the energies into perfect synthesis.
The actual healing takes about 20-25 minutes for individual sessions. Magnified Healing can also be done for a large number of people in cases of emergencies and major catastrophes such as a plane crash or an earthquake. Each person caught in such a disaster might not survive, but Magnified healing is bound to ease his suffering and provide relief.
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