The Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful and pure energy system. It will help you to connect with your soul mate.
A Soul mate is a person that enters into your life so that you can learn different lessons and involve your pure soul. The soul mate does not always mean a romantic partner, but originally it means someone towards whom we feel great affinity like parents, friends, teachers, and so on.
Soul Mate Reiki does not depend on us believing any specific philosophy regarding soul mates. It’s up to us how we want to channel the symbol. We can channel the symbol to attract our “The one” romantic connection or just friends with whom we share a very deep bond. Since there is a great interest in soul mate as a romantic life partner Soul Mate Reiki can be used to bring our partner in our lives.
It can also be used to clear out negative energetic attachments that might be blocking the soul mate connections.
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